Vote for the Dream Team!

Ivan Watson for President & Alex Verity for VP

Why vote for us? Because your senior year should be legendary, and we promise to make it at least 47% more fun.*

*Percentage may vary. Consult your local mathematician for details.

Our Bold Promises:

  • βœ… Shorter lines at the vending machines (probably).
  • βœ… A senior prank that won't get us expelled.
  • βœ… More spirit days, because wearing pajamas to school should be a right, not a privilege.
  • βœ… A prom so good, even the teachers will want to dance.

Add image of Ivan and Alex looking presidential (or at least like they know what they’re doing).

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Contact Us πŸ“¬

Follow us on Instagram: @ivan_and_alex_forseniorclass

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